A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attack is a type of security vulnerability that tricks a user into performing actions on a web application in which they are authenticated, without their knowledge or consent.
Web applications can protect users against these types of attacks by implementing CSRF tokens in their forms which are known only to the application that generated them and must be included when submitting forms. With each visit, a new CSRF token is added to the form so tokens are not reusable between forms. Failing to provide a valid CSRF token will result in a form validation error.
Implementing CSRF protection requires three steps:
Open the form's PHP class and append the following code to the method that initializes the fields (usually init
$this->add(new \Laminas\Form\Element\Csrf('exampleCsrf', [
'csrf_options' => [
'timeout' => 3600,
'session' => new \Laminas\Session\Container(),
You should use a relevant name instead of
that best describes the purpose of the field (example:forgotPasswordCsrf
Open the InputFilter that validates the form fields and append the following code to the method that initializes the
fields (usually init
$csrf = new \Laminas\InputFilter\Input('exampleCsrf');
->attachByName(\Laminas\Validator\NotEmpty::class, [
'message' => '<b>CSRF</b> is required and cannot be empty',
], true)
->attachByName(\Laminas\Session\Validator\Csrf::class, [
'name' => 'exampleCsrf',
'message' => '<b>CSRF</b> is invalid',
'session' => new \Laminas\Session\Container(),
], true);
Replace exampleCsrf
with the CSRF field's name in the form.
Don't forget to modify both occurrences in this file.
Make sure that you validate the form using its
method in the handler/controller where it is submitted.
Open the template that renders your form and add the following code somewhere between the form's opening and closing tags:
{{ formElement(form.get('exampleCsrf')) }}
Access your form from the browser and view its source.
You should see a new hidden field, called exampleCsrf
(or whatever name you used).
After filling out the form, submitting it should work as before.
In order to make sure that the new CSRF field works as expected, you can inspect the form using your browser's Developer tools
and modify its value.
Submitting a filled out form should result in a validation error:
CSRF is required and cannot be empty
Note the timeout
option in your PHP form's exampleCsrf
field, with its default value set to 3600.
This represents the value in seconds for how long the token is valid.
Submitting a form that has been rendered for longer than this value will result in a validation error:
**CSRF** is invalid
You can modify the value of
in each form, but the default value should work in most cases.