Server Requirements

For production, we highly recommend a *nix based system.


Apache >= 2.2

  • mod_rewrite
  • .htaccess support (AllowOverride All)

The repository includes a default .htaccess file in the public folder.


You need to convert the provided Apache related .htaccess file into Nginx configuration instructions.

PHP >= 8.2

Both mod_php and FCGI (FPM) are supported.

Required Settings and Modules & Extensions

  • memory_limit >= 128M
  • upload_max_filesize and post_max_size >= 100M (depending on your data)
  • mbstring
  • Composer (added to $PATH)
  • opcache
  • dom - if working with markup files structure (html, xml etc.)
  • simplexml - working with xml files
  • gd, exif - if working with images
  • zlib, zip, bz2 - if compressing files
  • curl (required if APIs are used)