Running the application

We recommend running your applications in WSL:

  • Make sure you have WSL installed on your system.
  • Currently we provide a distro implementations for AlmaLinux9.
  • Install the application in a virtualhost as recommended by the chosen distro.
  • Set $baseUrl in config/autoload/local.php to the address of the virtualhost.
  • Run the application by opening the virtualhost address in your browser.

You should see the Dotkernel Frontend welcome page.

If you are getting exceptions or errors regarding some missing services, try running the following command:

sudo php bin/clear-config-cache.php

If config-cache.php is present that config will be loaded regardless of the ConfigAggregator::ENABLE_CACHE in config/autoload/

Development only: session.cookie_secure does not work locally so make sure you modify your local.php, as per the following:

# other code

return [
    # other configurations...
    'session_config' => [
        'cookie_secure' => false,

Do not change this in local.php.dist as well because this value should remain true on production.