Doctrine ORM

Setup database

Make sure you fill out the database credentials in config/autoload/local.php under $databases['default'].

Create a new MySQL database and set its collation to utf8mb4_general_ci.

Running migrations

Running the migrations is done with this command

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate

Note: if you have already run the phinx migrations, you may get this message

WARNING! You have x previously executed migrations in the database that are not registered migrations.
  {migration list}
Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)

After submitting y, you will get this confirmation message.

WARNING! You are about to execute a database migration that could result in schema changes and data loss. Are you sure you wish to continue? (y/n)

Again, submit y to run all the migrations in chronological order. Each migration will be logged in the migrations table to prevent running the same migration more than once, which is often not desirable.

Creating migrations

To generate a new migration file, use this command:

php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:generate

It creates a PHP file like this one /data/doctrine/migrations/Version20220606131835.php that can then be edited in the IDE. You can add new queries to be executed when the migration is run (in public function up) and optionally queries that undo those changes (in public function down).

Here is an example you can add in public function up

$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE users ADD test VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL');

and its opposite in public function down

$this->addSql('ALTER TABLE users DROP test');

Executing fixtures

Fixtures are used to seed the database with initial values and should only be executed ONCE, after migrating the database.

Seeding the database is done with the help of our custom package dotkernel/dot-data-fixtures built on top of doctrine/data-fixtures. See below on how to use our CLI command for listing and executing Doctrine data fixtures.

An example of a fixtures class is data/doctrine/fixtures/RoleLoader.php

To list all the available fixtures, by order of execution, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:list

To execute all fixtures, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute

To execute a specific fixtures, run:

php bin/doctrine fixtures:execute --class=RoleLoader

Fixtures can and should be ordered to ensure database consistency, more on ordering fixtures can be found here :