Configuration Files

Prepare config files

  • duplicate config/autoload/debugbar.local.php.dist as config/autoload/debugbar.local.php
  • duplicate config/autoload/development.local.php.dist as config/autoload/development.local.php
  • duplicate config/autoload/local.php.dist as config/autoload/local.php
  • duplicate config/autoload/mail.local.php.dist as config/autoload/mail.local.php
  • Edit config/autoload/local.php according to your dev machine and fill in the database configuration.


If you intend to send emails from your Frontend, make sure to fill in SMTP connection params. This will be covered in the next section.

  • optional: in order to run/create tests, duplicate config/autoload/local.test.php.dist as config/autoload/local.test.php


this creates a new in-memory database that your tests will run on.

Configuration - Mail

If you want your application to send mails on registration, contact etc. add valid credentials to the following keys in config/autoload/mail.local.php

Under message_options key:

  • from - email address that will send emails (required)
  • from_name - organization name for signing sent emails (optional)

Under smtp_options key:

  • host - hostname or IP address of the mail server (required)
  • connection_config - add the username and password keys (required)

In config/autoload/local.php edit the key contact => message_receivers => to with string values for emails that should receive contact messages.

Note: Please add at least 1 email address in order for contact message to reach someone

Also feel free to add as many CCs as you want under the contact => message_receivers => cc key.

Configuration - reCAPTCHA

reCAPTCHA is used to prevent abusive activities on your website. DotKernel frontend uses the Google reCAPTCHA for its contact us form. You must first generate a siteKey and secretKey in your Google account - Google reCAPTCHA

Update the recaptcha array in config/autoload/local.php with the siteKey and secretKey from Google reCAPTCHA.

Note: you need to whitelist localhost in the reCAPTCHA settings page during development. When in production do not forget to either remove localhost from the reCAPTCHA whitelist, or have a separate reCAPTCHA