Authorization Guards

The packages responsible for restricting access to certain parts of the application are dot-rbac-guard and dot-rbac. These packages work together to create an infrastructure that is customizable and diversified to manage user access to the platform by specifying the type of role the user has.

The file provides multiple configurations specifying multiple roles as well as the types of permissions to which these roles have access.

//example of a flat RBAC model that specifies two types of roles as well as their permission
    'roles' => [
                'admin' => [
                    'permissions' => [
                'user' => [
                    'permissions' => [

The file provides configuration to restrict access to certain actions based on the permissions defined in so basically we have to add the permissions in the dot-rbac configuration file first to specify the action restriction permissions.

// configuration example to restrict certain actions of some routes based on the permissions specified in the dot-rbac configuration file
    'rules' => [
                        'route' => 'account',
                        'actions' => [//list of actions to apply , or empty array for all actions
                        'permissions' => ['authenticated']
                        'route' => 'admin',
                        'actions' => [
                         'permissions' => [
                            //list of roles to allow