Dot-twigrenderer extends Twig with a function that calculates the difference between two dates. The function converts dates to a time ago string like Facebook and Twitter has. If null
is passed as the second or third parameters, the current time will be used.
public function diff(
Environment $env,
string|DateTimeInterface|null $date,
string|DateTimeZone|null $now = null
): string;
Pass Twig's Environment to the template
$loader = new \Twig\Loader\FilesystemLoader(__DIR__ . '/../../templates/page');
$twigEnv = new \Twig\Environment($loader);
$this->template->render('page::templateName', [
"env" => $twigEnv,
#other parameters
This enables the use of the diff
{{ diff(env, '2024-02-20', '2024-02-18') }}