
Register dot-mail in you project by adding Dot\Mail\ConfigProvider::class to your configuration aggregator (to config/config.php for example). After registering the ConfigProvider copy the configuration file config/ into your project's config/autoload/ directory as

The resulting contains the necessary configurations for all available transport types, message options and logging options in one place. The config file provides a set of default values available to all mails under the dot-mail.default key.

Many of these options can be programmatically set when sending the actual email.

An example of this is the dot-mail.default.message_options key, which can be filled in with default message values to be available to all emails. When sending the actual email, these values can be overwritten by using an available "setter" function, supplemented by using "add" functions or simply left as the default.

// setter will overwrite existing destination email

// existing destination email kept, new destination email added alongside it

Transport configuration

dot-mail uses the transport key under the main dot_mail configuration key to select the email transport. It has two email transport classes available (by default sendmail), one of which is to be added under the dot_mail.transport key for use.

Sending email with the esmtp transport requires valid data for the values under dot-mail.default.smtp_options, which is only used in this case.

The configured path must be a writable directory

Logging configuration

Uncommenting the dot-mail.log key will save a copy of all sent emails' subject, recipient addresses, cc and bcc addresses alongside a timestamp. In order to enable it, make sure that your mail.local.php has the below log configuration under the dot_mail key:


return [
    'dot_mail' => [
        'log' => [
            'sent' => getcwd() . '/log/mail/sent.log'

To disable it, set the value of sent to null.