
Sending an e-mail

Below is an example of how to use the email in the most basic way. You can add your own code to it e.g. to get the user data from a User object or from a config file, to use a template for the body.

Note that addTo is only one of the methods available for the Message class returned by getMessage(). Other useful methods that were not included in the example are addCc(), addBcc(), addReplyTo().

The returned type is boolean, but if the isValid() method is removed, the returned type becomes MailResult which allows the use of getMessage() for a more detailed error message. See the Testing if an e-mail message is valid section below.

public function sendBasicMail()
    $this->mailService->setBody('Email body');
    $this->mailService->setSubject('Email subject');
    $this->mailService->getMessage()->addTo('', 'User name');
    return $this->mailService->send()->isValid();

It's optional, but recommended to call the above function in a try-catch block to display helpful error messages. The next example calls the sendBasicMail function from within UserController, but you can implement it in other controllers, just make sure that the controller's construct also includes the FlashMessenger parameter $messenger.

try {
    $this->messenger->addSuccess('The mail was sent successfully', 'user-login');
    //more code...
} catch (Exception $exception) {
    $this->messenger->addError($exception->getMessage(), 'user-login');
    //more code...

Testing if an e-mail message is valid

After sending an e-mail you can check if the message was valid or not. The $this->mailService->send()->isValid() method call will return a boolean value. If the returned result is true, the e-mail was valid, otherwise the e-mail was invalid. In case your e-mail was invalid, you can check for any errors using $this->mailService->send()->getMessage().

Using the below logic will let you determine if a message was valid or not and log it. You can implement your own custom error logging logic.

$result = $this->mailService->send();
if (! $result->isValid()) {
    //log the error

Invalid e-mail messages will not be sent.

Logging outgoing emails

Optionally, you can keep a log of each successfully sent email. This might be useful when you need to know if/when a specific email has been sent out to a recipient.

Logs are stored in the following format: [YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS]: {"subject":"Test subject","to":["Test Account <>"],"cc":[],"bcc":[]}.

Each email is saved via the dotkernel/dot-log component in the shown JSON format, in the single file configured under the dot-mail.log.sent key. To disable it, set the value of dot-mail.log.sent to null.

Transport usage
