
dot-mail can use any transport class that implements Laminas\Mail\Transport\TransportInterface, with the four standard transports available being:

  • Laminas\Mail\Transport\Sendmail - the default transport set in the config file
  • Laminas\Mail\Transport\Smtp
  • Laminas\Mail\Transport\File
  • Laminas\Mail\Transport\InMemory

Feel free to use any custom transport you desire, provided it implements the mentioned TransportInterface.

Sendmail is a wrapper over PHP's mail() function, and as such has a different behaviour on Windows than on nix systems. Using sendmail on Windows will not work in combination with* addBcc().

  • Note: emails sent using the sendmail transport will be more often delivered to SPAM.

Smtp connects to the configured SMTP host in order to handle sending emails. Saving a copy of an outgoing mail into a folder is possible for this transport only, and is done by uncommenting save_sent_message_folder in the config file mail.local.php under dot_mail.default.

  • Common folder names are INBOX, INBOX.Archive, INBOX.Drafts, INBOX.Sent, INBOX.Spam, INBOX.Trash. If you have MailService available in your class, you can call $this->mailService->getFolderGlobalNames() to list the folder global names for the email you are using.
  • Multiple folders can be added to the save_sent_message_folder key to save a copy of the outgoing email in each folder.

File writes each message individually in a file named after the configured format, placed in the configured directory. From here the files may be used for sending via another transport mechanism, or simply as logs.

InMemory saves the message in memory, allowing access to the last "sent" message via the getLastMessage() function.

  • As the email is not sent, this transport can be helpful in development, with the access to the message being potentially useful in tests as well
$this->mailService->setBody('First email body');
$this->mailService->setSubject('First email subject');
// The email is not sent to the email, instead it is stored in memory

$this->mailService->setBody('Second email body');
$this->mailService->setSubject('Second email subject');

// The email is not sent to the email either, it overwrites the previously "sent" email in memory

// Returns the second email's Laminas\Mail\Message object from memory
$lastMessage = $this->mailService()->getTransport()->getLastMessage();