
Basic usage of the logger is illustrated below.

The messages are written to see which logs are written and which are not written.

use Dot\Log\Logger;


$logger = $container->get('dot-log.my_logger');

/** @var Logger $logger */
$logger->emergency('0 EMERG');
$logger->alert('1 ALERT');
$logger->critical('2 CRITICAL');
$logger->error('3 ERR');
$logger->warning('4 WARN');
$logger->notice('5 NOTICE');
$logger->info('6 INF');
$logger->debug('7 debug');
$logger->log(Logger::NOTICE, 'NOTICE from log()');


dot-log implements placeholder interpolation as described in PSR-3. Placeholders MUST be delimited with single opening/closing braces: {placeholder}, with the names composed only of the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, underscore _, and period .. Placeholders are interpolated as follows:

  • string and numeric types are replaced directly
  • null values are not replaced
  • Other placeholder values are replaced with the return value of the gettype function