
Register dot-errorhandler in you project by adding Dot\ErrorHandler\ConfigProvider::class to your configuration aggregator (to config/config.php for example), and add \Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerInterface::class (to config/pipeline.php for example) as the outermost layer of the middleware to catch all exceptions.

Configure the error handler as shown below.

In config/autoload/


use Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerInterface;
use Dot\ErrorHandler\LogErrorHandler;
use Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'aliases' => [
            ErrorHandlerInterface::class => LogErrorHandler::class,

    'dot-errorhandler' => [
        'loggerEnabled' => true,
        'logger' => 'dot-log.default_logger'

A configuration example for the default logger can be found in config/

When declaring the ErrorHandlerInterface alias you can choose whether to log or not:

  • for the simple Zend Expressive handler user ErrorHandler
  • for logging use LogErrorHandler

The class Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler is the same as the Zend Expressive error handling class the only difference being the removal of the final statement for making extension possible.

The class Dot\ErrorHandler\LogErrorHandler is Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandler with added logging support.

As a note: both LogErrorHandler and ErrorHandler have factories declared in the package's ConfigProvider. If you need a custom ErrorHandler it must have a factory declared in the config, as in the below example:


use Dot\ErrorHandler\ErrorHandlerInterface;
use Custom\MyErrorHandler;
use Custom\MyErrorHandlerFactory;

return [
    'dependencies' => [
        'factories' => [
            MyErrorHandler::class => MyCustomHandlerFactory::class,

        'aliases' => [
            ErrorHandlerInterface::class => MyErrorHandler::class,

    'dot-errorhandler' => [
        'loggerEnabled' => true,
        'logger' => 'dot-log.default_logger'

Config examples can be found in this project's config directory.