Inject entity repositories

Prepare repository

dot-annotated-services determines the entity a repository is related to by looking at the @Entity annotation, added to the repository class.



namespace YourApp\Repository;

 * @Dot\AnnotatedServices\Annotation\Entity(name="YourApp\Entity\Example")
class ExampleRepository extends Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository

Each entity repository must extend Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository.

Register repository

Open the ConfigProvider of the module where your repository resides.

Add a new entry under factories, where the key is your repository FQCN and the value is Dot\AnnotatedServices\Factory\AnnotatedRepositoryFactory::class.

See below example for a better understanding of the file structure.



namespace YourApp;

class ConfigProvider
    public function __invoke(): array
        return [
            'dependencies' => $this->getDependencies(),

    public function getDependencies(): array
        return [
            'factories' => [
                YourApp\Repository\ExampleRepository::class => Dot\AnnotatedServices\Factory\AnnotatedRepositoryFactory::class,