Setup the packages in AlmaLinux 9

Install requirements:

sudo dnf install epel-release dnf-utils -y

Update/Upgrade system packages:

sudo dnf upgrade -y

Now, install the latest version of Ansible:

sudo dnf install ansible -y

Clone dotkernel/development into your home directory:

git clone

Move inside the directory development/wsl:

cd ~/development/wsl/

Using your preferred text editor, open config.yml where you must fill in the empty fields.

Save and close the file.

Install requirements and initialize systemd by running the below Ansible command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml --ask-become-pass

The installation process will ask for your password (set during the installation process) and will iterate over each task in the playbook and will output a short summary with the results.

At this step, AlmaLinux 9 needs to be restarted - quit it by pressing Control + d.

Open Windows Terminal.

Stop AlmaLinux 9:

wsl -t AlmaLinux9

Start AlmaLinux 9:

wsl -d AlmaLinux9

Move inside the directory development/wsl:

cd ~/development/wsl/

Continue installation by running the below Ansible command:

ansible-playbook -i hosts install.yml --ask-become-pass

The installation process will ask for your password (set during the installation process) and will iterate over each task in the playbook and will output a short summary with the results.

Now check if everything works by opening in your browser:

The installation is complete, your AlmaLinux 9 development environment is ready to use.

Running AlmaLinux 9

Open Windows Terminal.

Start AlmaLinux 9:

wsl -d AlmaLinux9


In order to run your applications using WSL2, you always need to be connected to your AlmaLinux9 distribution. For this, all you need to do is to keep open an instance of Windows Terminal that is connected to it.