
Install AlmaLinux 9

Open Microsoft Store, in the search box type in: AlmaLinux and hit Enter.

From the results, select AlmaLinux 9 - this will take you to AlmaLinux 9's app page.

On this page, locate and click the Install button - this will download AlmaLinux 9 WSL image on your system.

Once the download has finished, the Install button is replaced by an Open button - clicking it will open Windows Terminal.

Here you will be asked to fill in your username (for example dotkernel):

Installing, this may take a few minutes...
Please create a default UNIX user account. The username does not need to match your Windows username.
For more information visit:
Enter new UNIX username:

Next, you are prompted to enter a password to use with your username (you will not see what you are typing, that's a security measure in Linux regarding passwords):

Enter new UNIX username: dotkernel.
Changing password for user dotkernel.
New password:

Depending on the strength of your password, you might see one of the following messages (if you want to choose a different password, hit Enter and you are taken back to previous step - else, continue with retyping your password).

BAD PASSWORD: The password fails the dictionary check - it is based on a dictionary word
BAD PASSWORD: The password is a palindrome

Next, you are asked to retype your password:

Retype new password:

Finally, you should see the following message:

passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
Installation successful!