Initialized OpenAPI components

Below you will find details on some prepopulated OpenAPI components we added to Dotkernel API.


Defined in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php, this object provides general info about the API:

  • version: API version (example: 1.0.0)
  • title: title shown in the UI (example: Dotkernel API)

For more info, see this page.


Defined in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php, this object provides API server entries:

  • url: API server URL (example: - use no trailing slash!)
  • description: describes the purpose of the server (example: Dev, Staging, Production or even Auth if you use a separate authentication server)

You can have multiple Server definitions, one for each of your Dotkernel API instances.

For more info, see this page.


Defined in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php, you will find an object for the AuthToken security header:

  • securityScheme: the name of the security scheme - you will provide this to indicate that an endpoint is protected
  • type: whether it's an API key, an authorization header etc
  • in: indicates where the scheme is applied (query/header/cookie)
  • bearerFormat: a hint to the client to identify how the bearer token is formatted
  • scheme: the name of the authorization scheme to be used

And another object for the ErrorReportingToken security token:

  • securityScheme: the name of the security scheme - you will provide this to indicate that an endpoint is protected
  • type: whether it's an API key, an authorization header etc
  • in: indicates where the scheme is applied (query/header/cookie)
  • name: the name of the header

For more info, see this page.


Defined in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php, in this object we provide the following details:

  • description: describes the purpose of the document
  • url: external documentation URL

For more info, see this page.


Schemas are OpenAPI objects describing an object or collection of objects existing in your project.

Schemas describing objects

In order to describe an object (entity) you will need to transform in into a schema.




namespace Api\User\Entity;

use Api\App\Entity\AbstractEntity;
use Api\App\Entity\RoleInterface;
use Api\App\Entity\TimestampsTrait;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

class UserRole extends AbstractEntity implements RoleInterface
    use TimestampsTrait;

    #[ORM\Column(name: "name", type: "string", length: 20, unique: true)]
    protected ?string $name = null;

    // methods




namespace Api\User;

use Api\User\Entity\UserRole;
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;


 * @see UserRole
    schema: 'UserRole',
    properties: [
        new OA\Property(property: 'uuid', type: 'string', example: '1234abcd-abcd-4321-12ab-123456abcdef'),
        new OA\Property(property: 'name', type: 'string', example: UserRole::ROLE_USER),
        new OA\Property(
            property: '_links',
            properties: [
                new OA\Property(
                    property: 'self',
                    properties: [
                        new OA\Property(
                            property: 'href',
                            type: 'string',
                            example: '',
                    type: 'object',
            type: 'object',
    type: 'object',

Then, when generating the documentation file, OpenAPI will transform it into the specified format (json/yaml).

      type: string
      example: 1234abcd-abcd-4321-12ab-123456abcdef
      type: string
      example: user
              type: string
              example: ''
          type: object
      type: object
  type: object

Schemas describing collections of objects

Collections of objects are just as easy to describe in OpenAPI as they are in PHP.

PHP collection:



namespace Api\User\Collection;

use Api\App\Collection\ResourceCollection;

class UserRoleCollection extends ResourceCollection


    schema: 'UserRoleCollection',
    properties: [
        new OA\Property(
            property: '_embedded',
            properties: [
                new OA\Property(
                    property: 'roles',
                    type: 'array',
                    items: new OA\Items(
                        ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRole',
            type: 'object',
    type: 'object',
    allOf: [
        new OA\Schema(ref: '#/components/schemas/Collection'),

Using ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRole', in our code, we instruct OpenAPI to grab the existing schema UserRole (not the entity, but the schema) that we just described earlier. This way we do not need to repeat code by describing again the same object and any future modifications will happen in only one place.

Then, when generating the documentation file, OpenAPI will transform it into the specified format (json/yaml).

  type: object
      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Collection'
              type: array
              items: { $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserRole' }
          type: object
      type: object

Make sure that in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php, on the line with #[OA\Server the value of url is set to the of URL of your instance of Dotkernel API.

You can add multiple servers (for staging, production etc) by duplicating the existing one.

For more info, see this page.

Common schemas

We provided some schemas that are reusable across the entire project. They are defined in src/App/src/OpenAPI.php:

  • #/components/schemas/Collection: provides the default HAL structure to all the collections extending it
  • #/components/schemas/ErrorMessage: describes an operation that resulted in an error - may contain multiple messages
  • #/components/schemas/InfoMessage: describes an operation that completed successfully - may contain multiple messages